Doors to Wonder: A short comic

This comic is a journey from monotony to the rediscovery of childlike wonder. This is illustrated through the medium of colour and form. The first page is full of very harshly separated panels and heavily narrated, in order to show the excessive thinking and anxiety that comes along day-to-day monotony, and this then transitions into the second page, which is more sparsely narrated, and introduces colour (which is connected to the previous page by a glint of light through the door) and has a more watercolour/cloudy effect to show a more dream-like scenario. This then transitions into the last page which has almost no text due to the freeing of the main character’s mind. The colourful and semi-abstract nature of this page is meant to be symbolic of how the character is now able to see the world, through the help of this imaginary world, in which the secondary character subtly leads her and lets go when she is ready, and then brings this newfound love for living with her into her previously boring life. I hope that when people read this, they can project their experiences onto it just as I used mine to influence it, and I also hope that it helps people open their eyes a bit more, as I am trying as well.

Though this small project was created early in my digital art  “journey”, it remains close to my heart and feels like a strong but simple representation of my aim with most of my work.

Sketches from the uni class this comic stemmed from, scanned from my sketchbook


National Book Fair 2023


An Unexpected Journey: Multimedia sculpture 2021